Apr 18, 2013 4:08:26 PM

Winsql - ODBC error while connecting oracle database

Hi, I got the winsql 8.0 93.608 installed and got it registered today. When I tried to connect to oracle box, I was getting odbc error
like "Microsoft ODBC oracle - the Oracle(tm) client and networkign components were not found. These components are supplied by Oracle Corporation and are part of the oracle version 7.3 (or higher) cleint software isntallation. You will be unable to use the this driver until these component have been insalled", got second window  as ODBD Error - Sql error State:IM004, Native Error code : 0 , ODBC Error {Microsoft]{ODBC Driver Manager} Driver;s SQLAllocHandle on SQL_HANDLE_ENV failed"

Synametrics support engineer
Apr 18, 2013 4:22:18 PM

Winsql - ODBC error while connecting oracle database


Microsoft's ODBC driver is not the best driver to use with Oracle. They don't support it anymore and it is buggy. As an alternative, use Oracle's driver or the WinSQL Oracle Wire Protocol Driver.

If you decide to use the Oracle's driver, you will need to install Oracle client libraries on the machine. However, no other software is required if you use the WinSQL Oracle Wire protocol driver.


May 24, 2013 7:25:01 AM

Winsql - ODBC error while connecting oracle database

I have used Wire protocol driver but I am getting this error Error: Optional feature not implemented. (State:S1C00, Native Code: 0) when I do a select. It connects to the database and I can browse the tables except select does not work.

Synametrics support engineer
Jun 3, 2013 2:17:13 PM

Winsql - ODBC error while connecting oracle database


Is this happening with every table or just a few? There are two possible reasons for this:

  1. The table has a timestamp field and this datatype is not enabled in the DNS setup. Check for a solution.
  2. In case of Oracle, WinSQL runs DBMS_OUTPUT.GET_LINE procedure at the end of the query. You run into this warning if you don't have permission to run this procedure. A quick way to see if this is the problem, use the Generic ODBC plugin when connecting to the database. Check for more information about plugins.




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